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This assignment looks at modern world literature in Franz Kafka’s novels. One way to understand the modern novel is through the work of writers like Franz Kafka. The list of modern writers is by no means exclusive but represents the authors who are essential figures.  The metamorphosis novella by Kafka is modern because it shares certain literary preoccupations with an unstable modern world. Of paramount concern to modernists is the question of how the world is perceived. Another of their concern is the difficulty of perceiving the world as an agreed-upon or objective reality. Thus, the modern novel relies on stream-of-consciousness narrators and even unreliable witnesses to the present and the past. The phantasmagorical aspects of modern world literature in Franz Kafka’s novels take on even greater political dimensions.

modern world literature in Franz


Modern world literature in Franz Kafka’s novels contains an infinite regression of possibilities that welcome analysis but doesn’t yield it. Kafka lived at the threshold of the modern technological world. Kafka’s stories are prophetic of the bewilderment and anxiety that typify modern frustrations and darkest moods. In the Metamorphosis novella, Gregor Samsa arises, only to discover he has gotten transformed into a giant dung beetle. No explanation is forthcoming. One reads on, hoping for an explanation, a hint of rational purpose in such mysterious happenings, one watches fascinated. Others respond to the protagonist’s dilemma while some search for clues in their responses. Ultimately, Franz Kafka’s novels protagonist perishes or disappears, but whether he is enlightened remains obscure.

metamorphosis as Franz Kafka’s novels


It has been almost exactly one hundred years since The Metamorphosis novella first appeared in print. Franz Kafka originally wrote it in 1912 as a diversion from a tormentive case of writer’s block. Countless revisions and the onset of World War I delayed publication for almost three years until October of 1915. Nine years later, Kafka was dead and still relatively unknown. There is an endless amount to say about Franz Kafka’s novels and the metamorphosis in particular. But the peculiar history of its author illustrates why it is such a remarkable story that remains an imagination. Metamorphosis novel is a unique, emotive, and particularly effective portrayal of a modern world spun well beyond our control. Modern world literature in Franz Kafka’s novels rarely do we venture beyond what he sees or feels.

metamorphosis novella at 100
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