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MISY5320 cybersecurity solutions and cloud computing technologies are the main concerns for most businesses. Additionally, companies of all sizes face cyberattacks. Cybersecurity solutions are the practices that a company involves in defending its computers, servers, mobile devices, electronic systems, networks, and data from malicious attacks. However, due to lack of resources in small businesses, they often have websites, accounts, and network systems with the least protection hence making cyberattacks an easy task. Contrarily, cloud computing technologies involve programs that allow the running of software programs without installing them on computers. Also, they enable storage and access to multimedia content via the internet.

Read more on MISY5320 cybersecurity solutions and cloud computing technologies at;


Primarily, there are three types of MISY5320 cybersecurity solutions. These are perimeter security, intranet security, and human security. Perimeter security serves as a barrier between the internet and a network. Mobile devices, cloud computing technologies, and web services provide a significant number of new opportunities for an organization. However, they also add to the number of solutions and services that need security. Therefore, an organization requires a perimeter framework that guards access to vital applications, data, and services. Contrastingly, intranet security is a solution that protects individuals’ devices and computers from malware during the running of software programs.

Read more on the types of MISY5320 cybersecurity solutions at;


Cloud computing technologies promote efficiency in business operations. Additionally, they facilitate the access of data and running of software programs from any location worldwide from any device with an internet connection. Also, they help an organization to save on the cost of acquiring and maintaining scalable computing resources. Moreover, cloud providers offer MISY5320 cybersecurity solutions to protect the client’s data that they save on the cloud. Furthermore, cloud computing offers efficient means for small, medium, and large enterprises to backup and restore their data and applications in a fast and reliable manner.

Read more on the importance of cloud computing technologies at;

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