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Effective marketing management in business is critical in developing marketing strategies. Marketing management is the planning, organizing, controlling, and implementing marketing programs, strategies, policies, and tactics that create and satisfy the demand for products and services. Additionally, it identifies market opportunities and comes out with appropriate strategies for exploring those opportunities profitably. Also, it has to implement marketing programs and continuously evaluating the effectiveness of marketing mix. Similarly, a marketing strategy is a comprehensive plan that a business formulates particularly for achieving the marketing objectives of the organization. It provides a blueprint for attaining these objectives. Primarily, it is the building block for a marketing plan.


Marketing management in business helps to introduce new products and services. This is through the creation of brand awareness and increasing the visibility of business for both customers and potential partners. Also, it helps to keep business up-to-date. This is by shortening the gap between the customers and the brand. Consequently, this enables a business to release campaigns for new products and services in a timeous manner. Additionally, marketing management helps in making business decisions and developing marketing strategies. Furthermore, it provides insights into customer behavior regarding the brand which helps in making decisions on what move to take.

Read more on the importance of marketing management in business at;


Essentially, developing marketing strategies helps a business to gain a competitive advantage. Additionally, a good marketing strategy focuses on unique selling propositions of the brand along with the features and benefits of products and services that a business offers. Also, marketing strategies help to promote brand recognition of a business. Moreover, these strategies are significantly important for effective marketing management in business. They enable the business to increase market share and elevate profits resulting in the overall growth.

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