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Lutheran church reformation (LCR) differences with Catholic Church reformation (CCR) is as a result of conflicting views on the Roman church. Martin Luther argued that the Roman church doctrines were wrong and as one is born again by faith. Lutherans believe Scripture alone has the authority to determine Christian doctrine. The Roman Catholic, however, believes that the church gives this authority to the pope, the church, and certain traditions. Furthermore, Lutherans do not believe in the power of the papacy or any divine authority that Christians should submit. The effects of LCR  included retaliation from the Catholic Church due to the conflicting beliefs. However, the Lutheran reformation survived the onslaughter of the Roman church as well as the threats on its founder. Martin Luther challenged the traditional church view leading to the church reformation. Finally, christian historical changes contributed to the LCR differences with CCR.

For more information on the Lutheran church reformation differences with catholic church reformation


There were several efforts to stop the Catholic Church reformation by halting the spread of Protestantism. One aim was to declare the effort to reform the Catholic Church a heresy. People supporting the protests of the sale of indulgences and other practices got excommunicated. According to Catholic theology, being excommunicated puts the person’s salvation in jeopardy. Moreover, ex-communication removed the person from economic and political participation in the Catholic-dominated society. The effects of Lutheran church reformation were felt all over Europe, and this made Luther a target for the Roman church. The German nobles protected Martin Luther from the executions by the Roman state. When the banning and ex-communication did not work, the Catholic Church used two other approaches, military might and the Counter-Reformation. Lutheran church reformation differences with Catholic Church reformation caused retaliation attacks from the Catholic Church.

For more information on the Catholic Church reformation response to Catholic Church reformation, click



There are several effects of Lutheran church reformation on the traditional church beliefs. The Reformation reclaimed the biblical picture of what a “pastor” or “priest” is supposed to be. The days of unintelligibly going through the motions had passed. In its place stood pastors tasked with riveting their people’s hearts and minds on Jesus Christ. Jesus is the sole mediator between holy God and sinful man. Lutheran church reformation differences with Catholic Church reformation is as a result of changes in Christian doctrines. They merely lift eyes to the cross and all the heavenly blessings therein. Throughout the Reformation, little caused as much disagreement as to the Lord’s Supper. Though the reformers departed from Rome, they also withdrew from one another. Nonetheless, the LCR reframing of the Lord’s Supper had overwhelmingly positive results.

For more information on the effects of Lutheran church reformation on traditional church doctrines

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