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Language Production Development. Best 2023

Language production processes involve the retrieval of information from memory, the strategic planning of an articulatory scheme, execution controls, and self-monitoring. These processes can be related to the domains of long-term memory, motor control, and executive control.

File:Model of the Mental Lexicon.png - Wikimedia Commons

A program known as psycholinguistics, explains all the stages involved in having a hypothesis to express and translating that hypothesis into linguistic form. In language production, these stages have been described into two different types of processing models which are;

  • lexical access model
  • serial mode

language production

Through these models, psycholinguistics can be able to gather information from how speeches are being produced in various ways like when the speaker is bilingual. Psycholinguistics learns much more about these models by conducting research methods that include collecting speech possible made errors and eliciting production tasks.

Stages Involved in Language Production

Most psychological models of production agree on the sub-division of production processes into three major stages;

  • conceptualization
  • formulation
  • articulation

This production consists of several interdependent processes which transform a non-linguistic message into a spoken, signed, or written linguistic signal. Research suggests that messages are planned in roughly, the same order that they appear in utterance.

There’s also tangible evidence that says in the utterance of words, verbs that give case may be planned earlier than objects, even where objects come first in an order of words in a certain computation.

After pointing out a message or part of a message, to be linguistically encoded, certain individual words are selected also known as lexical items, to represent the intended message through a process called lexical selection.

However, the words are selected based on their meaning which in linguistics is called semantic information. Lexical selection activates the word lemma which contains both semantic and grammatical information about the word.

In language production, grammatical information includes characteristics such as the word’s syntactic category (which includes the noun, and verb), and what subjects it takes, and grammatical gender if it is present in the language form of usage. Some of these characteristics are used as well as the information about the thematic roles in each single word of the intended message, every word in the sentence is assigned the grammatical or thematic role it will serve in a proposed sentence.

The basic Curve occurring in the creation of language consists of the following stages:

  1. actual intended message
  2. encode a message into linguistic form
  3. encode linguistic form into speech motor system ( motor system)
  4. sound going from the speaker’s mouth to the listener’s ears (auditory system)
  5. speech decoded into linguistic form
  6. meaning is derived from the linguistic form

In the lexical model of language production, two specific stages of cognition are put into consideration and this concept is known as the two-stage theory of lexical access. The first stage provides information about lexical items required to construct the functional-level representation. These specific items are retrieved according to their individual semantic and syntactic properties, but phonological forms are not available at this particular stage.

The second stage, retrieval of word forms provides information required in building positional-level representation.

Models in Language Production


Serial Model

This divides the process into several stages. One stage is for determining pronunciation and the other is for determining lexical content. However, this stage does not under any circumstances allow an overlap of these stages and is only completed at one single time.

Lexical Access Model

In this model, a sentence is made by a sequence of processes generating different levels of representation in the computation of an intended message.  The functional level representation is made on the pre-verbal representation which is essentially the speaker’s intended message and language production is addressed. This level is responsible for encoding the meaning of lexical items and the systematic formation of grammar forms.

The positional level is formulated which functions to encode the phonological forms of the word order in a sentence structure. Generally, the Lexical model is a process that encompasses two serially and ordered interdependent stages.

Computational Models in Language Production

The main aim of computational modeling is to recognize and appreciate the way humans learn and process language development by implementing humanlike learning and speech processing capabilities as computations algorithms, which are sequential, functional, and concurrent models.

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