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International business management should develop a strategic global marketing strategy to ensure that a business succeeds in the international market. International management is the management of business operations of an organization that operates globally. Furthermore, it requires skills and knowledge above normal business expectations. These include familiarization with local markets, the financial environment, and managing across borders. Also, it requires sufficient knowledge of the local conditions and adaptability. Additionally, it involves understanding international economics, creating global business strategies, and leading change in international corporations. International managers need to understand the complex dynamics of global markets and have the ability to control business interests across cultural and national boundaries.
 international business management and strategic global marketing


International business management should be flexible in financial management practices. This is because operation in foreign markets has huge financial implications such as tax collection, tariff codes, and online revenue recognition. Moreover, it should have strategic global marketing to help in the adaptation of conditions in other countries. It should also integrate the supply chain depending on the financial environment of the different markets. Furthermore, international business management needs to have risk management strategies to actively monitor and protect itself from malicious attacks.
 important factors in international business management


Fundamentally, strategic global marketing helps to improve the effectiveness of the products and services of a business. Additionally, it ensures that a business has a strong competitive advantage in the financial environment. This makes it easy for a business to compete in the local market and the worldwide market. It also helps international business management to increase customer awareness of a business brand and its products and services. Also, it helps to reduce expenses and increase savings.
 the benefits of strategic global marketing

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