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Impacts of individual’s health on family and society is a broad concept containing several different aspects. The impacts of individuals’ health within the social component should maintain good and proper interactions and communication with other people. Moreover, this component also includes being able to maintain satisfying interpersonal relationships and the ability to fulfill a social role. Therefore, in reality, some events could have a social component and help towards building people’s social view of health. Nevertheless, family and society are the strongest pillars that support the health of individuals. However, health is a broad concept containing several different aspects. Consequently, physical and mental health often interrelates, and wellness requires family and society. Besides, emotional support from family and friends helps improve their health.

Read more about impacts of individual’s health on family and society at 


The physical and social environment in which we live and work has an important influence on our health and wellbeing. The community has several positive impacts on individual’s health that can nurture wellbeing. Besides, community empowerment and community engagement can help increase these positive impacts. Moreover, the community makes individuals feel safe and access good job opportunities. Additionally, the community provides affordable health facilities that cater for one’s health needs adequately. Nevertheless, the community creates awareness of the importance of family and society in nurturing healthy living and relations. Most importantly, the community also uses diverse ways to teach individuals on proper hygiene practices that could help improve their health.

Read more about community positive impacts of individual’s health at 


Family and society have a pivotal role in caring for their loved ones, mostly in the children’s case. The capacity of parents to evaluate impacts of individual’s health and provide critical functions associating with optimal care is central. Therefore, aa loving care, a secure attachment, sufficient structure for healthy growth and development are essential. Moreover, non-coercive discipline and an overall safe family environment showing empathetic relationships are among the important factors. In addition, the capacity of family and society to provide good-quality housing, nutrition, and opportunities is among other essential dimensions.  In turn, society not only reflects the collective success of families but also shapes the social environment in which families live. Consequently, it is evident that individuals entirely rely on family and society to improve their health.

Read more about advantages of family and society on health issues at 

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