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The impact of organizational culture cannot go unnoticed and includes the development of positive employee relations. The dominant culture in organizations depends on the environment in which the company operates. The culture also depends on the organization’s objectives, the belief system of the employees, and the company’s management style. Therefore, there are many organizational cultures. Also, successful employee performance is a benefit that organizations can reap from developing a positive corporate culture. Employees follow standard procedures with strict adherence to hierarchy and well-defined individual roles and responsibilities. Lastly, the impact of organizational culture is widespread, and positive employee relations rely on a positive corporate culture.

For more information on the impact of organizational culture, click 


Successful employee performance is a result of a pleasant working environment that increases the motivational levels of employees. Employees who love being at their job call in sick less frequently, perform better when they’re on the job. Also, they are more likely to collaborate with other team members or superiors. In addition, positive employee relations are essential as employees can focus on achieving the company’s goals comfortably. Employees in a conducive environment are passionate about their work and become successful in the long run. The impact of organizational culture on positive employee relations is massive and is a factor for increased employee productivity.

For more information on the impact of organizational culture on successful employee performance 


The Human resource department works to ensure that positive employee relations exist throughout the organization. Employment procedures are there to deal with difficulties that arise in the employment relationship, and at some stage, all employees will have issues that will cause them concern. The human resource department analyzes the impact of organizational culture and develops ways to ensure positive employee relations. Even the most perfect of organizations can leave staff experiencing difficulties feeling alone, isolated, de-motivated, and frustrated. Successful employee performance is only guaranteed if the working environment is conducive enough. The Human resource department should continuously analyze the corporate culture to ensure its effectiveness.

For more information on positive employee relations and the role of human resource 

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