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Human resource management and progressive industrial relations are important aspects of any business. Human resources management is the process of recruiting people, training them, compensating them, and developing policies relating to them. Additionally, it also entails developing strategies to retain them. Moreover, it involves procuring, developing, and maintaining competent human resources to achieve the goals of an organization. Similarly, industrial relations are an important part of a business or organization. Poor relations between the management and employees may lead to the decline of productivity of a workplace. Furthermore, improving communication between managers and employees enables an organization to achieve effective communication.
 human resource management and progressive industrial relations


Primarily, human resource management ensures the availability of the right people for the right job. This ensures the achievement of the goals of an organization. Moreover, it helps an organization to attain its goals effectively and continuously receive competent employees. Also, it ensures the effective utilization of human resources. Human resource management also establishes and maintains progressive industrial relations between management and employees. Additionally, it increases employee job satisfaction and self-actualization. It also helps in developing and maintaining the quality of work life. This makes employment in an organization a desirable, personal, and, social situation. Furthermore, it helps to maintain ethical policies and behavior within the organization.
the objectives of human resource management


Progressive industrial relations ensures open communication in an organization. Open communication makes employees feel perfectly comfortable with management. Additionally, a manager should inform employees clearly of what they need from them. This helps to ensure that they meet the goals of an organization. Progressive industrial relations requires human resource management to recognize the efforts of employees at work by showing gratitude and appreciation. This inspires them to work harder in their tasks.
 the benefits of progressive industrial management

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