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Human population growth is one of the key factors contributing to the climate change crisis. Population growth refers to the increase in the number of people in a population. Consequently, global population growth amounts to 83 million annually. Additionally, many nations with rapid population growth have low standards of living, whereas many nations with low rates of population growth have high standards of living. Climate change refers to a long term change in the average weather patterns that define the earth’s local, regional and global climates. Besides, these changes have a broad range of observed effects.

Read more on human population growth and climate change crisis at;


The climate change crisis results for the following reasons. Gases in the earth’s atmosphere known as greenhouse gases trap heat hence stopping it from leaking back to space. This results in increased temperatures that change the climate of a region. These gasses include carbon (IV) oxide, methane, and nitrous oxide. Also, rising emissions cause climate change. These emissions include burning coal, oil, and gas. Additionally, cutting down of forests to accommodate human population growth increases the amount of CO2 in the air. Increased livestock farming also leads to increased methane production. Lastly, fluorinated gases produce warming effects that lead to climate change.

Read more on the main causes of the climate change crisis at;


The climate change crisis has several effects on the world at large. Firstly, there is the depletion of natural resources hence causes a limited amount of water and food. Secondly, it leads to the degradation of the environment due to an increase in the number of vehicles and industries hence affects the quality of air. Thirdly, it leads to conflicts and wars since it puts a major strain on resources therefore people fight to use them. Fourthly, overpopulation forces countries to develop their industries hence contributes to poisonous emissions that cause climate change crisis. Lastly, it leads to increased intensive farming to provide food to sustain the needs of the population.

Read more on the fatal effects of human population growth at;

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