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History 4442 Populism and Euroscepticism Assignment Instructions

History 4442 Populism and Euroscepticism  Analysis Assignment Instructions. All Writing guidelines and grading criteria need to be used. Therefore, using (as your main source) Ian Buruma’s Murder in Amsterdam, in conjunction with Di Scala’s, Europe’s Long Century, discuss how Buruma helps us to understand some of the key internal fracture lines of European society in the 2000s (using Dutch society as your main focus). Therefore, answer the question, how has the issue of immigration helped create a Populist challenge to the multicultural, liberal democratic narrative of European integration?. For more information on History 4442 Populism and Euroscepticism Assignment Instructions

Writing guidelines and grading criteria

Your essay must be in the form of an argument, with a thesis statement (usually placed at the end of the introductory paragraph). Also, the body of your paper (in which you are providing proof for your thesis) should be organized in clearly written, focused paragraphs. A concluding paragraph will, therefore, summarize your argument and restate your thesis. Include a bibliography. Where necessary, refer to the text and buttress your argument with the use of direct quotations. For correct citation form (only endnotes or footnotes are acceptable). Visit the CU History Department home page ( Also, follow the “Undergrad” link to the “Paper Guidelines” link to the “Referencing Guidelines” link. Therefore, paper will be graded on how well it responds to the essay question and on how effectively it is written (e.g., grammatically correct, organization, clarity of language, etc.). Include a bibliography.

Additional Guidelines for History 4442 Populism and Euroscepticism Assignment Instructions:

The following Writing guidelines and grading criteria should also be used in the essay.

1. Familiarity with text(s)—the student must demonstrate that s/he knows the text(s) well; Therefore, this includes not leaving out any vital information which might change/contradict the thesis.

2. Defensible thesis. Theses should not be too vague to avoid downgrading.  Papers that get sidetracked and fail to consistently focus on the thesis, or contradict it, will also suffer. For more instruction on this assignmen for History 4442 Populism and Euroscepticism Assignment Instructions

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