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Global social problems and sociological theories of psychology often relate to psychology. To begin with, scholars define Global social problems as those problems that affect society as a whole. On the other hand, sociological theories of psychology refer to those theories that researchers use to understand social issues. There exist several social problems. As such, researchers rely heavily on the concept of sociological imagination to better understand these problems. Notably, this concept explains the origin of social issues to improve its understanding. These social problems may include hate crime within society and unemployment. These two significantly affect society as a whole and can have diverse effects.


Global social problems usually have a diverse effect on society. Therefore, it is vital that we learn how to manage such problems. Managing global social problems will mean that we get to understand the causes of such problems. This understanding also makes it easier to apply the sociological theories of psychology for even better management. First, unemployment is among the causes of social problems. It causes frustrations, which may force one into such acts as hate crime within the society. Additionally, poverty is also a cause since it is a barrier to access of services. Thus, and an individual may get involvement into criminal activities.

Read more about causes of global social problems at:


As aforementioned, global social problems are a major concern in the world today. Therefore, it is essential to apply the sociological theories of psychology to manage these problems. To begin with, the theories include structural functionalism theory. This attempts to explain the relationship that exists between parts of society. Additionally, there also exists the conflict theory. This theory describes how power makes people different. Notably, it also describes how inequalities among people cause conflict. Furthermore, there also exists a symbolic interactionism theory. This theory attempts to explain how people interact with each other. Understanding these theories will help solve social problems such as hate crime within society.

Read more about examples of sociological theories of psychology at:

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