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Gender inequality issues mostly lead to gender-based violence. One of the main objectives set by UNI Global Union, through its Equal Opportunities Department has been to attain productive development based on gender equality. Hence, The Equal Opportunities Department carries out programs, campaigns, and other activities to fulfill this goal, both within the organization and among our affiliates. The socially and culturally built hierarchy between the genders holds certain power relationships. Usually, society regards men as being of higher value and it often leads to violence against women. Furthermore, studies show that more than 1/3 of the women around the world have experienced violence at some point in their lives and it can happen at the workplace.

Read more on gender equality issues and gender-based violence at;


In the workplace, gender inequality issues are a problem which rise from the following. First, unequal pay in many workplaces whereby women earn less than men despite their hard work and educational achievements. Second, sexual harassment from senior staff which includes verbal and physical assault promoting gender-based violence. Third, racism, unfortunately, race seems to play a major role in how women are treated and compensated in the workplace. Racism increases the chances of violence against women by a big percentage. Lastly, work promotion where men get promoted more than women. Besides, women make up less than 5 percent of CEOs and less than 10 percent of women are top earners.

Read more on the causes of gender inequality issues in the workplace at;


Gender-based violence has three main causes. Harmful gender norms which often lead to gender stereotypes justifies violence against women. Cultural norms often dictate that men are aggressive, controlling, and dominant, while women are docile, subservient, and rely on men as providers. Moreover, hunger and food scarcity leads to increased gender-based violence. Consequently, women and girls face more early and forced marriages as families seek dowry payments and try to reduce their food bills. Lastly, war and conflict have made parents marry off their daughters with the hope that they have protection. This coping mechanism causes a rise in gender inequality issues which often leads to gender-based violence.

Read more on the causes of gender-based violence at;

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