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Gender quotas for company boards are becoming a totemic issue of gender diversity policy in today’s labor market and Leadership. Many countries are experimenting with compulsory gender diversity measures for board rooms to benefit from the influence of women’s leadership. The European Union as a whole is considering to make such quotas obligatory. This article offers a critical context to testing the presumptions of the quotas drive on their relation to corporate governance. Gender equality in business is a crucial part of board decisions. As the gender composition of company boards gains widespread attention, the effect of board quotas on female labor informs both proponents and opponents. Blending disciplines as well as countries, this book will appeal to anyone with a professional interest in the topic.



A French study offers one clue for why the addition of more women has not made a consistent difference. The effect of board quotas on female labor led to the conclusion that the country’s new quota system led to changes in the way the boards made decisions. It also found that the process did not change because the new members were women. It was because they were likely to be outsiders. The influence of women’s leadership is due to their inclination toward a holistic, self-reflective approach. Female employees define leadership differently than some men do. Sixty-five percent of women said they view leaders as those who share their knowledge and connect with their colleagues to help the team and the business in the labor market circle. Gender equality in business managerial roles may make women stronger, more effective leaders.



In most organizations, recruiting and readiness are often made without objective data, thus the trending effect of board quotas on female labor. This means that decisions on whom to hire and promote often do not take into account the factors that determine a leaders’ success in the role. This may introduce both unconscious and systemic biases. The lack of gender equality in business is not only a moral and fairness issue but a business issue as well. The success of every organization depends on its ability to attract, develop, and retain high performing leaders. Accelerating gender diversity virtually doubles the success of the influence of women’s leadership. Our research shows that women are as well or better prepared to face the most urgent business challenges.


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