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The future of water is a water documentary films that highlight struggles concerning water. Netflix documentaries try to prove the complexity of the essential things like water. With the rising water calamity, Swiss company Nestlé is the worldwide leader in selling bottled water globally. Furthermore, the company makes millions as people globally exhaust their few resources for the mere sips of water. The film is one of the water documentary films that speak of how the Nestle company is water hunters. The business of bottled water is strange due to people paying for water despite the water being everywhere. In conclusion, Netflix documentaries challenges our thinking about water.

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The future of water series is one of the Netflix documentaries on the future of water. The series looks at how the struggle to control and use water will impact political power relations worldwide. Professor Tvedt, the author of one of the water documentary films, takes the viewer on a global documentary journey. Issues in the movie include the role of water for the development of modern societies. Additionally, the series shows unique footage of projects and places never visited by film teams before. In episode 1, future control over water will be more critical as a means of political power. Observably, documentary films have the most comprehensive information on water issues.


The water documentary films, especially the future of water, carefully examine the big business of bottled water. Stephanie Soechtig shows how it is industry effectively commodifying a fundamental human right. According to the documentary, studies show that Americans buy 29 billion bottles of water every year. It is thus at risk with more and more people consuming bottled water. Consequently, there is evidence of radioactive materials, industrial solvents, and chemicals that leach out of the plastic. These chemicals subsequently form part of the content in the water, posing severe health effects to consumers. Lastly, tapped and many more Netflix documentaries on the future of water, try to address the little-discussed topics.
For more information on bottled water effect on the future of water, click

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