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This dissertation examines food safety and security plan and the planning importance for food safety and security. Food safety is for protecting public health from poisoning occurring from food. On the other hand, food security ensures a sufficient supply of nutritious food at all times. The Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points(HACCP) requires that the plan must contain the following. One, hazard analysis that examines the chemical biological and physical properties. As a result, gauging its safeness for human consumption. Secondly, updating preventive controls for hazards. If an item qualifies as a hazard, then placing of preventive measures is required. Moreover, putting effective monitoring procedures for continuous and active reviewing.
 food safety and security and planning importance


This section analyses the planning importance of food safety and security. The field has several employees for addressing public needs. Food is a critical aspect of survival; hence the assurance of safety is highly essential. The employees in the field monitor the movement of the food in the distribution channel. Continuous research is vital for methods of improving inspection. This is to identify disease outbreaks caused by food quickly.  In America, the Food Safety and Inspection Service(FSIS) aims at preventing contaminated food supply. This is whether it is natural or intentional contamination. Creating a food safety and security plan is ing important for setting clear guidelines on expectations.
 importance of food safety and security planning


Although the planning importance for food safety and security reveals itself in various modes. Underlying issues are facing the process. In, Europe these are some of the challenges. One, changing diet trends since many consumers are seeking digital services for diets. Secondly, it continues variation in food prices, complicates the process of creating a food and security plan. Thirdly climatic change influences the production process of food. This is because the climate affects weather and environmental conditions. Fourthly, the demographic imbalance is another issue. This relates to aging levels and household sizes. Moreover, the scarcity of resources significantly contributes to food security and safety issue. Scarce resources affect agricultural productions.
issues in food safety and security

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