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Female genital mutilation is a procedure that increases the chances of contracting urinary tract infection. It refers to all procedures involving total or partial removal of the external female genitalia or other kinds of injury to the female genital organs for cultural or non-medical functions. Moreover, the practice causes serious health complications and has no health benefits for women or girls. Also, communities mostly practice it for girls between infancy and age fifteen. Furthermore, it is a violation of the human rights of women and girls. Additionally, it reflects inequality between sexes and constitutes an extreme form of discrimination against women. It also violates a person’s rights to health, security, and physical integrity.

Read more on female genital mutilation and urinary tract infection at;


Essentially, female genital mutilation causes serious health complications and infections such as genital abscesses and hepatitis B. Moreover, it causes damage to the female genitals hence making the vaginal tissue more likely to tear during sexual intercourse. Resultantly, this increases the risk of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections. Also, female genital mutilation may slow or strain the normal flow of urine causing urinary tract infection. Additionally, the scars may also trap urine which crystallizes to form urinary stones. The painful experience may also cause depression and anxiety among girls.

Read more on the long-term effects of female genital mutilation at;


Urinary tract infection is an infection with various causes such as female genital mutilation. Additionally, it causes recurring infections especially in women who experience it two or more times in a period of six or four months. Also, if a person takes no measures of treatment, it may cause other serious health complications such as sepsis and permanent kidney damage. Permanent kidney damage arises from acute or chronic kidney infections that develop when the person does not treat the urinary tract infection. Moreover, it increases the risk of pregnant women delivering low birth weight or premature infants.

Read more on the complications of urinary tract infection at;

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