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The ETHICS 510-M1-4 theory of utility and theory of justice essay will discuss the ethics of utilitarianism. Notably, utilitarianism in normative ethics is a tradition stemming from the late 18th- and 19th-century English philosophers and economists. They were Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill. The research looks at the introduction to ethics and various types of ethics. Utilitarianism states that an action is right if it tends to promote happiness. However, an action is also wrong if it tends to produce unhappiness. Importantly, it was not just the happiness of the performer of the action but also that of everyone affected by it.  The ETHICS 510-M1-4 theory of utility and theory of justice research is essential in understanding utilitarianism.

Ethics 510-M1-4  theory of utility


The essay highlights the introduction to ethics and major contributions to the field of ethics. Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) was arguably one of the greatest philosophers of all time. The research also discusses the theory of justice as it pertains to ethics. Significantly, Kant thought that it was possible to develop a consistent moral system by using reason. Moreover, Kant taught that every rational human being could work this out for themselves. Thus, they did not need to depend on God or their community or anything else. That is when discovering what was right and what was wrong. Nor did they need to look at the consequences of an act, or who was doing the action. The ETHICS 510-M1-4 theory of utility and theory of justice article will help in understanding the field of ethics.

introduction to ethics and types of ethics


In A Theory of Justice (1971), Rawls introduced a universal system of fairness. Furthermore, he set of procedures for achieving it. He advocated a practical, empirically verifiable system of governance that would be political, social, and economical in its effects. Notably, Rawls’ justice theory contains three principles and five procedural steps for achieving fairness. First is “original position,” and secondly, it is a “veil of ignorance.” Thirdly, is the unanimity of acceptance of the original position. An introduction to ethics is vital in understanding the significance of the theory of justice. By original work, Rawls meant something akin to Hobbes’ understanding of the state of nature. That is a hypothetical situation in which rational people can arrive at a contractual agreement. The ETHICS 510-M1-4 theory of utility and theory of justice essay discusses Rawls’ contribution to the theory of justice.

 theory of justice and its significance

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