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Environmental contaminant sources and effects of environmental contamination are significant elements in environmental conservation. Contamination of water, air, and land are common in the current world. All these are habitats and sources of food for human beings, plants, and animals. Therefore, contamination is a risk factor for their survival and wellbeing. Scientists, economists, and environmentalists are in the front line in advocating for environmental conservation. The sources of contamination are chemicals, hazardous wastes, and various human activities. For example, oil spillage, sewage systems, vehicle fumes, and littering affects the environment. Therefore, the implementation of environmental conservation strategies is vital for protecting life and having a sustainable environment.
 environmental contaminants sources and effects of environmental contamination


Environmental contaminant sources cause a lot of harm to living and non-living things. Degradation of the environment is a global issue that requires addressing the preservation of life. The contaminants’ effects on the environment are either long-term or short-term. Other types of pollution apart from water, air, and soil pollution exist. These include noise, light, thermal, and radioactive pollution. The following are the effects of environmental contamination. Firstly, the emission of greenhouse gases leads to depletion of the ecosystem of the earth. Secondly, a high concentration of carbon dioxide concentrations acidifies water, thus threatening water animals. Additionally, metallic and oil concentration on the water makes it unsuitable for consumption. Developing environmental conservation strategies prevent life-threatening outcomes.
effects of environmental contamination on the community


Environmental acts revert the threats and decline in biodiversity. An example is the Australian ACT Nature Conservation Strategy 2013–2023 that has various conservation strategies. Creating awareness of the environmental contaminant sources is crucial in preventing extensive degradation of the environment. The strategies in the act provide directions for implement and better environment conservation efforts. The following are environmental conservation strategies. Firstly, the enhancing of habitat connectivity and ecosystem function. Secondly, the actions relating to the management of the threats to biodiversity. Thirdly, steps in protecting the species in ecological communities. Additionally, enhancing of the biodiversity value of urban areas. Moreover, promoting community engagement in environmental conservation activities.
 understanding various environmental conservation strategies

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