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For this assignment, we will discuss the history of enterprise bargaining in Australia and its impact on business stakeholders. These stakeholders include decision-makers in organizations, customers, and society at large. The main reason for the introduction of enterprise bargaining in Australia is the negotiation for better pay for employees. Employees would then agree to specific performance levels in their duties. However, the level of enterprise bargaining for the private sector in Australia keeps declining. The implications of the decline in the private sector include low wages and a high number of job contract terminations.
information on enterprise bargaining in Australia and its impact on business stakeholders


Enterprise bargaining in Australia brought about different ideas based on the perceptions of key stakeholders, such as employees. The continued implications of the decline of enterprise bargaining in the private sector of Australia brings mixed reactions. The businesses consider it as a lesser burden on them while employees keep losing wages and employment contracts covered under enterprise agreements. There is a need for corporations to review the history in Australia and come up with the best solution to reduce declining enterprise agreement. Both the employer and employee should benefit from the enterprise agreement in the long term. All stakeholders of businesses should also review and update the reasons for the introduction of bargaining in Australia.
 information on stakeholder business perspectives in Australia 


Employee proportion is one of the critical factors to consider during enterprise bargaining in Australia. There is a general decline in wages as one of the implications of the decline of enterprise bargaining in the private sector. The enterprise agreement covers fewer employees in Australia as time goes by. Some of the current private company policies are against the reasons for the introduction of this bargaining in Australia. This trend causes significant changes to bargaining in Australia and its impact on business stakeholders. Most employees want a review of the history in Australia to restore the terms and conditions of the original agreement.
Information on employee proportion in enterprise agreement of Australia

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