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Understanding this topic requires a review of the causes of the English civil wars, the war (1642-1651) stemmed from conflict between Charles I and Parliament over an Irish rebellion. The settling of the first war took place with Oliver Cromwell’s victory for Parliamentary forces at the 1645 Battle of Naseby. The impact of the war was felt mostly by the Catholics. The second phase ended with Charles’ defeat at the Battle of Preston and his subsequent execution in 1649. The wars were brutal, and the royal family contributed to the causes of the war

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There are various causes of the English Civil war and Historians have not settled on a single primary reason. Some historians have continued to see the war as caused by long-term social and economic developments and problems. The impact of the War, on the other hand, is evident with the majority of the population facing the wrath of the royal family. This approach dominated the field in the middle decades of the twentieth century. Although later the work threw considerable doubt on this approach. Additionally, it led to innocent deaths and Historians have different causes of the wars.

The impact of the English war began from the first English war of Edgehill.

The first significant battle fought on English soil was the battle of Edgehill  (October 1642). The war quickly demonstrated that neither the Royalists nor the Parliamentarians enjoyed a definite advantage. However, sieges and battles dominated the military landscape in England during the first English Civil War. The domination occurred as local garrisons scrambled for territory. The English civil wars led to a revolution and reduction of royal powers. The causes of the war are hard to narrow down, but its impacts are enormous.

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