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Proper ENGL225 telephone etiquette in business is crucial to ensure quality customer service. This is because it determines a customer’s first impression of the business. Additionally, customers judge the way a business interacts with them and handles their requests. Furthermore, good communication is essential in establishing and maintaining strong connections with customers. However, over the phone, neither party can pick up body language or other non-verbal cues. Therefore, it is important to use professionalism, tone, and words to convey the message to the customer. Also, the business management should ensure that the staff continuously practice the right etiquette. Similarly, customer service is the one-on-one interaction between a customer and a representative of the business selling the goods or services.


Fundamentally, maintaining ENGL225 telephone etiquette in business constantly ensures good interactions with customers. Also, it is important never to interrupt a complaining customer. Business representatives should train themselves to listen to the whole problem for the delivery of quality customer service. Additionally, the business management should ensure that the business team provides the customer with the necessary information. They should also learn how to handle abusive and angry customers. This helps in dealing with different types of customers.
the basic tips for ENGL225 telephone etiquette


A business should deal with complaints to deliver quality customer service. It should leverage negative feedback to improve products and services. The business management should ensure that the employees offer sincere apologies to people who are unhappy with their services or products to perform better in the future. Additionally, they should maintain ENGL225 telephone etiquette in business to customers who call back for complaints. Also, a business should maintain its brand reputation by engaging with their audience to ensure happy customers.
 the importance of quality customer service in business

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