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This research paper focusses on empathy in healthcare and empathy roles in medicine. Empathy goes hand in hand with effective communication. It is the correspondence of emotion of an observer towards a subject for considering their feelings. For example, offering words of encouragement and showing care to a despairing person. In healthcare, empathy is the physician’s ability to understand a patient’s situation and respond accordingly.  Building empathy in healthcare is, therefore, essential. It realizes various benefits such as higher patient satisfaction, reduction in malpractices, and fewer errors. Training practitioners in areas of empathy is crucial. Such areas are listening skills and increasing self-awareness. During the incorporation of empathy aspects, barriers of empathy in healthcare arise.
empathy in healthcare and empathy roles in medicine


According to different scholars, Empathy holds several definitions, including understanding others’ emotional states. The recommendation of empathy in healthcare is prominent as it depicts many benefits. Some people often use sympathy and empathy interchangeably. This is mostly not correct, as there is a significant difference. Sympathy is a statement of emotional concern, while empathy is the comprehension of the emotions. Empathy roles in medicine are several, including the following. One, it reduces anxiety in patients, therefore, therapeutic. Secondly, patients easily confide in empathetic practitioners as they feel a sense of security. Moreover, empathetic practitioners experience reduced burnout, that is, emotional exhaustion. Therefore, addressing barriers of empathy in healthcare is critical for realizing the subsequent benefits.
empathy roles in medicine in today’s world


Empathy in healthcare is subject to various barriers during the execution. As a result, disruption of achieving total desirable results for practitioners and patients. For example, the satisfaction of patients is not maximum. The categorization of the barriers of empathy in healthcare is into three groups. These are organizational, personal and interpersonal, and demographic barriers. Organizational barriers relate to issues such as lack of corporate support, ever-increasing workload, and burnouts. Personal and interpersonal barriers are patient behaviors and improper role modeling. Lastly, demographic barriers relate to factors such as gender and age. For example, studies show female practitioners are more empathetic than male practitioners. Managing the barriers leads to the realization of empathy roles in medicine.
barriers of empathy in healthcare

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