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In this research paper, we will use Eknath’s drama poem in analyzing religious beliefs. We will focus on Hindu-Muslim cultural interactions for the research. Eleanor Zelliot provides an excellent understanding of religious and cultural beliefs in medieval times. The poet uses dialogue between two people of different religions to show the influence of religious interactions. In this example, Eleanor portrays the conflicting ideologies of the Hindu and Muslim cultures. In the contemporary world, religious beliefs differ and conflict with each other. For instance, Eknath’s poem shows conflicting religious beliefs in medieval times between Hindus and Muslims.
Read more of Eknath’s drama poem in analyzing religious beliefs at


The nature of medieval Hindu-Muslim cultural interactions is crucial in the contemporary world, especially in India. Before colonization in India, most of the Indian subcontinent was under Muslim political control. Hindu religious beliefs in medieval times were suppressed and violated. There was the destruction of more than 60,000 Hindu temples, with about 3,000 mosques built over the foundations of the Hindu temples. Such was the effect of religious interactions between Hindus and Muslims. Finally, most scholars use Eknath’s drama poem in analyzing religious beliefs between Hindus and Muslims in the historical context.
For more information on the history of Hindu and Muslim religious beliefs, visit


When reviewing the influence of religious interactions in medieval India, political, socio-economic and cultural factors played a vital role. Muslims arrived in India with new social and religious ideas. This gave impetus to the Bhakti movement of India and the Sufi thought of Muslims. Religious beliefs in medieval times saw the growth of new devotional religious movements. Therefore, these movements were under saints who taught various religious beliefs. The Hindu-Muslim cultural interactions had more effect on the Hindu culture. However, the concept of Bhakti ‘assured’ immortality through devotion, faith and prayer. Lastly, Eknath’s drama poem is used widely in analyzing religious beliefs in the contemporary world.
For more of politics of religion in the medieval times, visit 

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