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The effects of plastic pollution are so adverse on the sea turtle species. Plastic pollution refers to the accumulation of plastic objects and particles in the earth’s environment. These pollutants include plastic bags and bottles and microbeads. Additionally, plastic pollution affects both humans and wildlife since it destructs the wildlife habitat. Research shows that 1.1 to 8.8 million tons of plastic waste make their way into the ocean and waterways. The source of these plastics is mainly the coastal communities. Besides, these plastics cause mechanical effects due to entanglement. They may also cause digestion problems when ingested.

Read more of the effects of plastic pollution on sea turtle species at;


Some of the major effects of plastic pollution on the environment include the following. It upsets the food chain whereby small organisms consume plastic hence they become poisoned due to plastic ingestion. This, therefore, causes a problem for the larger animals that depend on them as food. Mass discarding of plastic into the seas causes discomfort to marine life such as the sea turtle species this therefore affects both their growth and reproduction. It also causes intoxication of groundwater due to the leakage of plastic wastes and toxins into the groundwater reservoirs. Lastly, the burning of plastics in the open air often leads to environmental pollution due to the release of poisonous chemicals.

Read more on the effects of plastic pollution on the environment at;


Most of the sea turtle species are characterized by a length of between 2 to 4 feet. They also have a large streamlined shell with a non-retractile head and limbs. Their limbs are flippers which helps them to swim easily. Additionally, the young turtles are omnivorous but as they grow they become herbivores and use their jaws to feed on algae. Moreover, in terms of their habitat, they spend most of their time in the oceans and periodically come ashore to nest and bask. However, the effects of plastic pollution are currently causing problems to the nesting process.  Lastly, sea turtles survive in all oceans except in the Polar Regions.

Read more on the characteristics of sea turtle species at;

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