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Some effects of globalization are adverse, and the most common one is human sex trafficking. Women and children have been among the biggest losers in this era of globalization. That is if we consider the massive increase in human trafficking in recent years. With the demise of socialist states, in particular, women and children from impoverished areas risk smuggling.  Child trafficking and exploitation is also another negative of globalization. The continued sale of human beings as commodities on the world market must be addressed globally to curb the practice. The adverse effects of globalization on human sex trafficking is a worrying trend for globalization supporters.   For more information on human sex trafficking, click 


Children’s trafficking and exploitation is a widespread phenomenon that is causing enormous suffering throughout the world. It can take several forms, such as forced labor, sexual exploitation, and child begging, among other practices. An estimated four million women and girls worldwide are bought and sold each year either into marriage, prostitution, or slavery. Global cartels and international criminal organizations are running the human sex trafficking business. Over one million children enter the sex trade every year. Although most are girls, boys are also victims. The effects of globalization have been positive, but human sex trafficking is a scourge of the globalization concept.

For more information on child trafficking and exploitation effects around the world, click   


The world is a global village, and the effects of globalization continue to exist worldwide. People recognize how small the world has become due to globalization, which has removed boundaries to trade. Globalization has also removed communication barriers between people in different countries. Even though globalization has positive effects, adverse effects such as child trafficking and exploitation exist. Globalization is not only about trade; there is also the cultural aspect of it. Through globalization, countries and companies have access to a more significant consumer base. Another adverse effect of globalization is human sex trafficking, which is most common in third world countries.   For more information on the effects of globalization and ways the world has benefited, click

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