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This paper analyzes the effects of climate change on the polar bear habitat. Polar bears live on the earth’s poles especially the arctic. Global warming is causing the destruction of this habitat by excessive snow melting. Polar bears rely on the sea ice for movement, resting, hunting, and even mating. They are on the ranking as one of the most threatened species. As a result of climate change, researchers expect the population of polar bears to reduce by two thirds in 2050.
effects of climate change on polar bear habitat


Climate change has several effects on plants and animals. This includes loss of biodiversity due to limited adaptability. Destruction of polar bear habitat due to climate change explains the reduction in their population. Rising air temperature and heat waves is an effect of climate change which brings about excessive snow melting and thawing permafrost on the poles. Climate change has effects on oceans. The oceans act as carbon sinks where they absorb excess carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. High carbon content in the atmosphere makes the oceans acidic therefore affecting aquatic life.
negative effects of climate change


There are several polar bear habitat adaptations. Some of these adaptations are physical while others are behavioral. Polar bears have thick paws that help them swim on slippery ice. Polar bears hunt for seals and other sea animals. They are therefore good swimmers and divers which helps them swim to ice floes while hunting. Excessive snow melting makes their hunting nature difficult making them starve. Polar bears have a thick layer of fat which keeps them warm when they swim on cold water. The effects of climate change like a rise in air temperatures equally cause a rise in their body temperatures which irritates them.
polar bear habitat adaptations

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