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The book, Doors of the sea deals with potential doctrine problems in the Bible. The Doors of the Sea contains just two chapters—”Universal Harmony” and “Divine Victory”—each comprising five short sections. He aims atheists who used the consequent suffering of the tsunami to “prove” there is no God. The atheists seem to ask where “was god in the tsunami?” and base their argument on those affected. Although the evidence of Christianity’s critics has emotional and even moral force, they are utterly bereft of logical power. Lastly, it discusses the potential doctrine problems that surface in the Bible.

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“Where was God in the tsunami” is a question that challenges the existence of God. David Bentley Hart’s book from 2005, Doors of the Sea, is lucid, brief, and profound. Doors of the sea prove that God has no need of evil in order to accomplish his purposes. God is himself, the source of all being, and God is pure goodness. Sin, therefore, has no substance of its own. Hart gives the example of a physically strong man who lost four of his five children in the tsunami. It also deals with the questions on the potential doctrine problems that exist in the Bible.

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David Hart’s Doors of the sea solves potential doctrine problems raised by atheists. Hart divides his diminutive book into two sections: “Universal Harmony” and “Divine Victory.” The first section attempts to dismiss the Asian tsunami, and the corresponding death and suffering, as coming from God. Atheists try to question the existence of God by asking, “where was god in the tsunami?” Hart argues against seeing evil as either a divine plan or punishment. Instead, he posits an Augustinian freewill theodicy that sees evil as a contingency of the God-given freedom of humanity Doors of the sea squashes the potential doctrine problems and solidifies the presence of God.

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