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This essay discusses the processes of discovering enlightenment and maturity in Kant’s moral philosophy. Enlightenment occurs when people free themselves from self-incurred immaturity. In this sense, immaturity is the inability to use our understanding without receiving directions from other people. Kant describes the importance of morality and imperatives to help us make better decisions. Seeking enlightenment requires getting rid of cowardice and laziness. Many people are afraid to take chances. They are also lazy such that they outsource certain aspects of their lives to other professionals. The professionals take advantage of people’s laziness to block them from further enlightenment and maturity. Thus, this goes to become our nature, and we pass it down generations.
discovering enlightenment and maturity in Kant’s moral philosophy


The concepts of morality and imperatives are central to Kant’s moral philosophy. Immanuel Kant argued that morality is a standard of rationality. This standard is the ‘Categorical Imperative (CI).’ CI is an unconditional principle that is objective and rationally necessary. Kant’s moral philosophy emphasizes following the principle despite any contrary, natural inclinations that we may have. According to Kant, we should use the principle to justify all moral requirements. Therefore, immoral actions are irrational because they violate the CI. This is how we achieve enlightenment and maturity. Several other philosophers, like Aquinas, Locke and Hobbes, also agreed with Kant. Lastly, the fundamental principle of the CI is the law of an autonomous will.
 essential teachings of Kant’s moral philosophy


According to Kant’s moral philosophy, our actions are right if they fulfill our duty. It is a form of deontological moral theory, where consequences do not define how right or wrong our actions are. Kant believed that imperatives should determine our actions. Imperatives are basically commanding. Therefore, morality and imperatives should govern our lives. If one has a relevant desire for something, it is a hypothetical imperative. Categorical imperatives are unconditional, no matter how they serve our interests. According to Kant, imperatives should be the basis of our morals if we aim to achieve enlightenment and maturity. Imperatives allow us to act based on the ‘formula of universal law.’
morality and imperatives according to Immanuel Kant

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