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Disaster recovery plans should facilitate various activities such as the restoration of operations. Moreover, disaster recovery comprises the steps that an organization has to take to resume operations after an incident. It is a part of business continuity planning and concentrates on accessing data easily after a disaster. Additionally, it is similar to business continuity as its goal is to get a business running as close to normal as possible after disruption of operations. However, a disaster recovery plan does not necessarily cover all the contingencies for business processes, human resources, business partners, and assets.


Primarily, disaster recovery plans help to minimize the interruptions to normal operations. Resultantly, they minimize the economic impact of the interruption on a business. They limit the extent of damage or disruption of operations. Additionally, disaster recovery plans establish alternative ways for business operations in advance to ensure continuity at a time of disaster. Furthermore, they provide smooth and rapid restoration of operations of a business. Disaster recovery involves the training of personnel with emergency procedures to enable them to handle disastrous situations. Organizations should be able to restore critical systems within a short period to ensure continuous operations.


The first step in the restoration of operations is to identify and solve immediate challenges. Furthermore, addressing immediate challenges is essential to ensure the safety of people. Additionally, an organization needs to assess the facilities and services after disruption of operations. This enables it to determine the scale of damage or interruption. Moreover, the business should develop solutions to address these issues. Having disaster recovery plans assists in handling disastrous events. Programming long-term improvements also help in better handling of such situations in case a disaster reoccurs.

Read more on the primary steps of restoration of operations at;

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