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This assignment discusses areas of culture, leadership, and innovation in organizations. We will look at the role of leadership in organizational culture. Leaders play a key role in influencing corporate culture. They do so by influencing and communicating effectively with other employees. Subordinate staff tend to follow in the footsteps of their leaders. Leaders should spearhead the development of a culture of innovation. Innovation in organizations is necessary for ensuring the growth and success of businesses. This is due to the dynamic nature of the business environment. Additionally, engaging in innovation enhances an organization’s competitive edge. Therefore, business leaders and their staff must understand the elements of innovation before venturing into it.
Read more of culture, leadership, and innovation in organizations at


In shaping a culture of innovation, it is important to take keen note of a few factors. They include communication of the innovation strategy, encouraging employee participation, and setting up innovation workshops. There must be a high emphasis on the elements of innovation, as well. Also, leaders must communicate the type of innovation required by the organization. Therefore, this is an innovation strategy. The innovation culture may include behavior expectations from employees and managers. Such is the role of leadership in organizational culture. Innovation also requires management commitment and the commitment of those responsible for innovation. Training and education about innovation also help to improve the culture of innovation.
Read more of shaping a culture of innovation in organizations at


The main elements of innovation are collaboration, ideation, implementation, and value creation. Collaboration involves working in teams to come up with innovative ideas. Team members need to put aside any differences to avoid conflicts among the team members. Additionally, the role of leadership in organizational culture includes ensuring smooth and active participation of the innovation process. Ideation is an approach of coming up with fresh, new ideas that make the organization more competitive. This element enhances value creation and implementation components of innovation.  Hence, an organization with a culture of innovation succeeds best in such processes. Lastly,  innovation requires the best people to champion innovative ideas and keep those ideas moving forward.
Read more of the elements of organizational innovation at 

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