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Cultural competence in nursing is a key element in improving patient satisfaction. It is the integration and transformation of knowledge about a group of people or individuals into specific practices, policies, attitudes, and standards to increase the quality of service in healthcare. As a result, this produces better healthcare outcomes. Additionally, cultural competency in nursing implies the ability of nurses to give the best medical care while demonstrating their cultural awareness for the race, values, and beliefs of the patients. Moreover, it entails understanding the cultural diversity of patients and treating them with this in mind. Resultantly, this helps nurses to empathize and relate more with the patients.

Read more on cultural competence in nursing and improving patient satisfaction at;


Cultural competence in nursing is essential as it helps nurses to offer the best medical care to every patient regardless of their social belief or status. This translates to better health care in every community hence improving patient satisfaction. Furthermore, without cultural competence, healthcare organizations are likely to suffer a great loss and ultimately limit the services that they can offer. The knowledge of cultural competence prevents medical practitioners from possessing stereotypes and being myopic in their thoughts. Consequently, this helps them to keep their minds free of judgment about certain cultures or places.


Fundamentally, improving patient satisfaction is becoming an increasingly important goal for healthcare providers. Moreover, it is important to keep patients happy and healthy while providing medical treatment to provide the best medical care. Healthcare facilities should make appointment booking easy for patients to make their appointments in whichever method that they prefer. Also, these appointment scheduling systems should be professional and easy to navigate. Additionally, cultural competence in nursing helps nurses interact positively with patients. This leads to high patient satisfaction.

Read more on the methods of improving patient satisfaction in healthcare at;

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