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The creative advertising process forms part of an account planner’s role and depends on perceptions of a target market. Creativity in advertising does not exist in a vacuum, and it’s the creative director’s role to oversee successful results. Also, productive originality and imagination are useful in all areas, even those that relate to such typically managerial tasks. Top manager’s site the lack of innovative thinking in promotion as a significant concern. Specifically, there appeared to be a general unwillingness to take necessary risks. The creative advertising process is only successful through target market research and is an account planner’s role.

For more information on the creative advertising process, click


The account planner’s role in Athens would involve creating a budget for an advert that appeals to the Greeks. Account managers play an essential role in this process by handling the financial and research aspects of the job. They also handle billing for various clients and make predictions regarding the agency’s earnings. The creative director’s role requires a close working relationship with the account planners for better results. These managers work closely with copywriters, art supervisors, and staff when completing a project. Finally, in the creative advertising process, the account planner’s role would involve researching on an appealing advert to locals.

For more information on the account planner’s role in implementing a successful advertisement program, click 


When setting a shop in Athens, the creative director’s role would involve incorporating creativity that speaks to Greeks. Creative Directors establish the visual identity of an organization and lead the creative advertising process. The Creative Directors’ vision is essential when it comes to interpreting the demands and particularities of a brand, product, or service. They’re considered experts in all stages of the creative process, meaning their role is crucial to the advertising departments. These professionals direct every original work done, including designing websites and email campaigns and planning television and radio advertising. Lastly, the creative advertising process requires the account planner’s role to blend with the artistic director’s role.

For more information on the creative director’s role and its importance to a brand in Athens, click 

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