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This essay discusses the controlled substance act of 1970 and the schedules of drugs. The Controlled Substances Act (CSA) is the statute establishing federal U.S. drug policy under which the manufacture, importation, possession, use, and distribution of certain substances is regulated. The CSA combined existing federal drug laws and expanded Federal law enforcement about controlled substances. Moreover, the CSA serves as the legal foundation of the government’s fight against drugs of abuse. The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) carries out the enforcement of the CSA. It replaced the Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs (BNDD). It may also initiate proceedings to add new or erase existing drugs to the federal schedules of drugs. The agency also ensures that registrants abide by security controls and storage requirements for legally produced drugs.

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The Controlled Substances Act categorizes drugs into five schedules based on their potential for abuse, status in international treaties, any medical benefits, diversion, dependency, and addiction. Schedule I is reserved for the most dangerous drugs that have no recognized medical use, and Schedule V is the classification used for the least dangerous drugs. The schedules of drugs and their examples are Schedule 1: Ecstasy, LSD, heroin, and Marijuana. Schedule 2: Cocaine and methamphetamine, Schedule 3: Anabolic steroids, ketamine, testosterone. Schedule 4: Ambien, Xanax, and Valium. Lastly, Schedule 5: Lyrica and cough suppressants. The grouping of controlled substances therefore makes it easier for legislators to draft or modify rules covering multiple drugs at a time. Generally, the federal drug laws state that penalties for drug crimes typically depend on the schedule that the drug falls into.

Read more on the schedules of drugs under the CSA act at


Significant legal changes have occurred in the Controlled substance act concerning marijuana. At the state level, cannabis is legal for some medical purposes in 47 states and legal for adult use in 11 of those. However, cannabis and its cannabinoids are classified in Schedule I of the federal CSA. This imposes strict controls on possession, manufacturing, distribution, and dispensing. The federal drug laws dictate that Schedule I substances may be dispensed only in a federally authorized research program. Additionally, cannabis important for research is only avaiable from the University of Mississippi. The 2018 Farm Bill has removed hemp and its extracts (as defined) from the schedules of the CSA, therefore facilitating research and commercial activity with hemp. Therefore, the schedules of drugs are an important milestone in the development of marijuana.

Read more on legal and medical issues of marijuana under the CSA act

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