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Conducting Business in Ukraine: Vulnerable and Disenfranchised Groups

Conducting Business in Ukraine: Vulnerable and Disenfranchised Groups

Conducting Business in Ukraine: Vulnerable and Disenfranchised Groups. In Module 5 you began this step in the research scaffold process.  It extends the examination begun in the Literature Review to ethical issues affecting individuals and communities.  You will submit your draft at the end of this module.

Firstly, we require you to select a research topic that has diversity and ethics “hooks”.  This is because we want to efficiently assess your competency in global understanding and ethics within the context of a single research project. You’ve seen Joe Student choose Water Pollution as his global issue. Secondly, through his literature review, he identified access to clean water as a struggle that especially affects disenfranchised groups.

Conducting Business in Ukraine: Vulnerable and Disenfranchised Groups

It is also not always addressed equitably by the agencies controlling that access. Confronted with the requirement to add an ethical perspective. To do that he decides to look at how the agencies communicate critical information to those affected.  Also, he checks the principles they use to set water policy. You don’t hear from Joe again until he’s putting together his final paper about conducting business in Ukraine. However, here’s a hint: he finds that the way these agencies select their policies and practices usually benefits themselves. He also looks for those who can afford to pay for superior access to clean water. This leaves vulnerable people still insecure about their own access.

Your literature review about conducting business in Ukraine has helped you to refine your contemporary global issue problem statement. Also, it showed where the themes and disagreements lie. Now, you will zero in on some aspect of that issue that affects vulnerable and disenfranchised groups. This is because it is different from the way it affects dominant cultural groups.

Continuing to add sources as necessary, you will analyze and synthesize the findings from the scholarly literature. Then,  ask how these groups have historically been, and currently are, impacted by the policies, decisions, and actions of others. Also, what ethical principles have driven these policies, decisions, and actions. Finally, what strategies and solutions the different parties have come up with.

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