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Breastfeeding of infants and child formula feeding are two techniques that help provide nutrients for the child. Breastfeeding, also known as nursing, is the feeding of babies and young children with milk from a woman’s breast. Therefore, health professionals recommend that breastfeeding begin within the first hour of a baby’s life and continue as often and as much as the baby wants. formula feeding however is a practice in which food is manufactured, designed, and marketed for feeding to babies and infants under 12 months of age, usually prepared for bottle-feeding or cup-feeding from powder, or liquid with or without additional water. Both these methods help in satisfying the child’s nutrient requirement.
comparing breastfeeding of infants and child formula feeding


Child formula feeding comes with risk like acute otitis media which is ear infections that the child can contract. Also, a child could develop lung conditions like asthma that causes problems in breathing. Formula feeding can also change a baby’s normal intestinal bacteria hence increases the risk of infection in the digestive tract. Formula feeding does not balance the child’s nutrient requirement hence a child is likely to suffer from either obesity or type 1 and 2 diabetes. Besides, the formula may change the pattern of breastfeeding of infants hence latching the baby back to the breast becomes a problem.
 the risks of child formula feeding


Breastfeeding of infants has the following advantages. It protects the child against allergies and eczema. Besides, it causes less stomach upset, diarrhea, and constipation as compared to child formula feeding. This is because the child’s body easily digests breast milk. Also, it reduces the risk of viruses, urinary tract infections, inflammatory bowel disease, gastroenteritis, ear infections, and respiratory infections. Additionally, it satisfies the child’s nutrient requirement hence babies have a better antibody response to vaccines. Nevertheless, it protects the child against diseases such as spinal meningitis, type 1 diabetes, and Hodgkin’s lymphoma since mothers pass immune factors and white blood cells through breast milk.
the advantages of breastfeeding of infants

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