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This research paper compares the American Indian culture and the Anglo American culture. American Indians, also known as the Native Americans, had different cultures and beliefs from the Anglo-Americans.  This ranges from the way of education, leadership, marriage and courtship, religion, and personal values. Anglo American culture involves the interaction between the English and American cultures that originated from northern Europe. Thus, this culture comprises most of the United States and Canada which led to suppressing the American Indian culture.
 comparing American Indian culture and Anglo-American culture


American Indian culture is the most diverse in the United States. This culture emphasizes respect, harmony with nature, non-interference with others, and endurance of suffering. They recognize that family is the cornerstone that guides the behavior of its members. This encourages the transfer of good generational behaviors to future generations. The Anglo-American culture, however, has different cultures and beliefs in terms of family. Also, they do not believe in the repetition of generational behaviour.
American Indian beliefs and traditional practices


The Anglo-American culture considers personal goals other than group goals, especially in monetary security. This value brought about the rise of capitalism in America. Unlike the American Indian culture, they possess the value of the quick and efficient exchange of information. Competitiveness is also a value in this culture. Anglo-Americans believe in success and great life achievements. This value increases their spirit of competition. Therefore, this culture being the interaction of different ethnic groups, they have different views in cultures and beliefs in raising their children.
different values in the Anglo-American cultur

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