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Characteristics of entrepreneurs and Decision making

This research paper aims to evaluate decisions making in entrepreneurship, characteristics of entrepreneurs and the role of investors in entrepreneurship. Personal characteristics of entrepreneurs play a big role in decision-making. The smart acquisitive entrepreneur looks for a business that has endured and remained profitable. This is the kind of business that produces a steady and stable income. Here, the role of investors in entrepreneurship becomes easier. A steady and solid business is just what bankers and equity investors like because it is less risky to them. Difficulties faced by entrepreneurs with start-up businesses include lack of investment and slow growth. This also plays a role in defining the ideal characteristics of entrepreneurs and the decision making process
For more information regarding characteristics of entrepreneurs and decision making


In a search fund, new entrepreneurs often find investors to finance and mentor them. In the search phase, investors essentially pay the entrepreneur to survey the market for a company with potential. Additionally, boldness and assertiveness are some of the characteristics of entrepreneurs that attract investors. In the acquisition phase, for instance, the investors back the entrepreneur with the capital to buy the company. The guidance to build it into something bigger becomes the role of investors in entrepreneurship. However, the venture may not work as planned especially when the industry becomes more competitive. One of the difficulties faced by entrepreneurs is having little information about the business, hence the difficulty in decision-making.
For more information about entrepreneurs and research fund investors


Before making decisions, the role of investors in entrepreneurship is to select the best candidate who adds value to the existing business. The models chosen to run the business may depend on the characteristics of entrepreneurs. For this assignment essay, we will discuss four models in regard to characteristic of entrepreneur. In the turnaround model, buyers take advantage of the difficulties faced by entrepreneurs of the business by simplifying processes. Some entrepreneurs go for eternally profitable businesses which are not threatened by any competition even soon. Others may go for high growth businesses while others prefer platform companies.
 click for additional information about entrepreneurship models in decision making

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