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The implementation of a change management plan requires business management skills. A change implementation plan is a strategy that involves the setting of core principles that guide the process of change in an organization. When dealing with change, several strategies and tactics are of use. This, therefore, helps to provide a clear pathway to bring about clarity in the development of the organization. Business management skills involve a collection of abilities such as planning, problem-solving, decision making, time management, and communication. Besides, these skills help the manager to effectively communicate with each other hence activities run smoothly.


Creating a change implementation plan requires five steps. Firstly, the creation of goals involves addressing the change and the associated implications. Secondly the establishment of a change team. This is necessary since they help in managing the necessary resources and backing the plan. Additionally, these require business management skills to conduct the process. Thirdly, planning for the development. In this step, project planning transforms into a documented roadmap that lies at the heart of the change management process. Fourthly, plan execution which involves a decision-making process and also addressing resistance among the members. Lastly, the reinforcement of the change to ensure that it properly meets its goals.


Business management skills are important since they help in the creation of a good work environment. This involves both clear communication and effective delegation of duties. These skills also help in understanding people. This, therefore, brings about motivation among employees since they have managers they can trust. Besides, managers with good business management skills can better apply emotional intelligence to their business. Additionally, it helps to foster community growth with the help of a change implementation plan. This is important since it betters the business and helps to develop a good cycle of the business.

Read more on the importance of business management skills at;

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