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This dissertation analyses the causes of workplace problems and effective problem-solving process. Multiple people working together in a given environment are bound to experiencing conflicts from time to time. As a result, these conflicts derail productivity and create an unconducive work environment. Analyzing the causes of workplace problems is an important step in dealing with such issues. Some of the causes include the following. Firstly, poor communication leads to insufficient information flow; thus, one party feels frustrated. Secondly, bad management is another cause of workplace problems. This is because incompetent leadership sets a bad example for employees to follow. Additionally, conflicting opinions on carrying out tasks is another cause. Solving conflicts enables corporations to realize the importance of problem-solving skills.

Read more on causes of workplaces problems and problems solving techniques at


Problem-solving and decision-making are critical elements of the smooth running of any organization. When the arising conflicts don’t get the required attention, it results in undesired outcomes. Effective problem-solving process involves the following of various steps in achieving the outcome. The steps are identifying the issue, analyzing everyone’s interests, outlining possible solutions, and evaluating. After which, selecting a viable option is done and the documentation of the agreement(s). The last step is monitoring and evaluation. This is necessary for reviewing the effectiveness of the solution and relevant changes made if the need arises. The process is not as easy as it requires much time and patience before reaching a final solution. Therefore, reviewing the causes of workplace problems is crucial for preventing conflicts in the first place.

Read more on understanding the effective problem-solving process at


Problem-solving is the process of finding a viable solution using scientific or analytic approaches. It is a crucial skill for any professional field. Moreover, it pertains to all organization levels, from the senior management to the junior employees. The importance of problem-solving skills includes the following. Firstly, it brings out the essential competencies one possesses hence impressing employers. These include creativity, imagination, and logic. Secondly, the skills are essential for the professional and career development process. Thirdly it speeds up the completion of tasks through the incorporation of proactive thinking. Additionally, for individuals looking for employment, problem-solving skill is highly crucial. This is because interviewers assess the skill during interviews. Also, it is crucial for achieving a smooth and effective problem-solving process.

Read more on the importance of problem-solving skills at

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