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Conducting value chain activities efficiently helps to develop effective BUS499 business-level strategies. Primarily, a business-level strategy is a set of actions and commitments that an organization uses to gain a competitive advantage. This is through the exploitation of core competencies in specific product markets. Additionally, it indicates the choices an organization makes on how to compete in individual product markets. Furthermore, these choices are important as they affect the long-term performance of a business organization. However, these choices may be difficult given the complexity of successfully competing in a global economy. Contrarily, value chain activities are a full range of activities that a business conducts to bring a service or product from its creation to the delivery.
BUS499 business-level strategies and value chain activities


Fundamentally, BUS499 business-level strategies focus on cost leadership, product differentiation, differentiation to a small market niche, and low-cost strategies. Cost leadership, therefore,  means offering the best price for products or services. It considers the cost of the value chain activities that include the making of the goods, transportation, and delivering them to customers. Moreover, product differentiation is a strategy that a business organization uses to differentiate its products from those of the competitors. Lastly, this ensures the performance of a business by clarifying to customers the reason why the products or services are worth more money.
the types of BUS499 business-level strategies


Primary value chain activities ensure that the value that a business creates exceeds the cost of creating it. Consequently, this ensures the consistent performance of a business. Inbound logistics is a value chain activity that includes functions like warehousing, receiving, and managing inventory. Contrastingly, outbound logistics are activities that involve distributing the final products to customers. Marketing and sales are activities that utilize different BUS499 business-level strategies to enhance visibility and target appropriate customers through promotions, advertising, and pricing campaigns. Moreover, operations are value chain activities that entail procedures for processing raw materials to complete products.
the components of primary value chain activities

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