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The essay will discuss the biology of the coronavirus, the risk factors, and various methods of diagnosing the coronavirus. Mainly, the coronavirus is spherical and moderately pleiomorphic, and the virions have an average diameter of 80-120nm. However, extremely smaller sizes as 50 nm and larger as 200 nm get provided in older literature. The surface spikes of the coronaviruses have a club-like and petal-shaped projecting about 20nm from its surface. Moreover, some coronaviruses have a second set of projections of about 10 nm and form an undergrowth beneath key spikes. Understanding the biology of the coronavirus and methods of diagnosing the coronavirus is essential in fighting the epidemic. 
For more information on the biology of coronavirus, click
There are several ways of diagnosing the coronavirus, and one has to know the various symptoms of covid-19. Primarily, the symptoms of COVID-19, such as fever and difficulty in breathing, can resemble those of other illnesses. Thus, diagnostic tests are essential in identifying people having covid-19 and determining those that have recovered. Moreover, they can improve understanding of the virus’ spread and monitor control measures’ effectiveness. Looking for the RNA of the SARS-CoV-2 is one test that can help identify those with the disease. However, the method is less effective in determining those that have recovered. The article highlights the biology of the coronavirus and ways of diagnosing the coronavirus.
For more information on diagnosing coronavirus and symptoms of coronavirus, click
There are several risk factors for COVID-19, and they include age, male sex, obesity, and underlying diseases. COVID-19 is more severe in older people suffering from chronic lung, heart disease, and kidney disease. Moreover, it is also critical in people with a weakened immune system, some cancers, and diabetes. Little information is available about how the virus exploits sex, age, and other underlying health conditions. Notably, researchers found out that gender and obesity presented a higher need for care and higher hospital deaths. There is continuing research on the biology of coronavirus and effective ways of diagnosing coronavirus and mitigating its spread.
For more information on diagnosing coronavirus and risk factors for COVID-19, click

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