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Human resource management plays a great role in shaping BBGO4103 organizational behavior. Basically, organizational behavior is the study of human behavior in an organizational setting. This involves the interface between human behavior and the organization. The main goal of organizational behavior is to revitalize organizational theory and develop a better conceptualization of organizational life. In other news, human resource management involves the practice of managing individuals to achieve better performance. Human resource simply refers to all the people who have the capacity to work for a certain organization hence contributing to the achievement of the organization’s goals and objectives.

Read more on BBGO4103 organizational behavior and human resource management at;


The human resource management bodies of companies play several roles. Firstly, recruiting and selection of employees. This body receives the job description for the management of the company hence they have an easier task in selecting appropriate employees. Secondly. Analysis of performance management whereby they monitor the BBGO4103 organizational behavior. This helps to ensure that employees have a good relationship with one another and the clients. This, therefore, helps to maintain a good working environment. They also plan for succession in the company in case an employee leaves. For instance, a crucial senior manager quits his/her job, having a replacement ready will guarantee continuity and can save the company significant money.

Read more on the roles of human resource management bodies at;


BBGO4103 organizational behavior is important since it helps leaders to understand the motivational tool of the members hence acts to their interests. This, therefore, help to increase productivity and boosts employee performance. Organizational behavior also creates a good working environment hence lowers stress levels and builds a positive attitude. Human resource management helps to create a good environment by assessing and solving issues relating to the performance of the employees. Lastly, it helps to solve underlying issues between the management and the employees hence provides an opportunity for the growth of the company.

Read more on the importance of BBGO4103 organizational behavior at;

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