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This essay discusses the Scrum values and pillars and, roles of the Scrum team. Scrum is a framework for developing, delivering, and sustaining complex products. Consequently, the Scrum guide consists of the roles of the Scrum Team, events, artifacts, and rules. Each component serves a specific purpose. The Scrum rules bind together and govern the relationships and interactions between these components. For instance, the Scrum events and artifacts must provide transparency and opportunities for inspection and adaptation. Scrum is Lightweight, Simple to understand, but hard to master. Scrum proved especially vital in iterative and incremental knowledge transfer. It implements the scientific method of empiricism, which relies on the scrum value and pillars. In conclusion, as technology, market, and environmental complexities and their interactions increase rapidly, Scrum’s utility in dealing with complexity is proven daily.

Read more on the scrum values, pillars, and roles of the scrum team at


The scrum values and pillars uphold every implementation of empirical process control theory, which asserts that knowledge comes from experience and making decisions based on what is known. These values include Courage, Focus, Commitment, Respect, and Openness. Also, the roles of Scrum Team members include learning and exploring these values as they work with the Scrum events and artifacts. The scrum pillars are transparency, inspection, and adaptation. First, transparency requires that the significant aspects of the process must be visible to those responsible for the outcome. Secondly, Scrum users must frequently inspect Scrum artifacts and progress toward a Sprint Goal to detect undesirable variances. Lastly, adjustments to deviant aspects are necessary. Providently, the design of the scrum events and artifacts should maximize the transparency of relevant information. Successful uses of Scrum depend on people becoming more proficient in living these five values.

Read more on the scrum values and pillars and principles of the Scrum at


The roles of the scrum team members include optimization, flexibility, creativity, and productivity. Also, scrum teams deliver products iteratively and incrementally, maximizing opportunities for feedback. The Scrum Team consists of a Product Owner, the Development Team, and a Scrum Master. Besides, the Product Owner is responsible for maximizing the value of the product. The Development Team consists of professionals who deliver a potentially releasable Increment of the finished product at the end of each Sprint. The Scrum Master is responsible for promoting and supporting Scrum theory, practices, rules, and values. Providently, all members must apply the scrum values and pillars for successful goals achievement. The scrum events include Sprint Planning, Daily Scrum, Sprint Review, and Sprint Retrospective. Alternatively, The Scrum Artifacts are Product, Sprint Backlog, and Increment. Therefore, The scrum events and artifacts provide transparency and opportunities for inspection and adaptation.

Read more on the roles of the scrum team, and scrum events and artifacts at

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