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This essay discusses the stages of project management and project management techniques. Project management is the application of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to tasks to meet the project requirements. Therefore a project is a temporary venture that exists to produce a defined outcome. Each project has unique objectives, plan, budget, timescale, deliverables, and tasks. The person who is responsible for overseeing a project is the project manager. The stages of project management are initiation, planning, execution, monitoring, and closure. Essentially, the project manager is responsible for overseeing these phases until successful project completion. Providently, they can apply different project management techniques. The latter include lean, agile, and waterfall methodologies. Also, project managers use the various project management tools to assign and track tasks throughout the project to make sure they’re meeting the demands of the project schedule.

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The stages of project management are essential for every project. Initiation is the starting phase. It involves the definition of the project goals, schedule, and processes. Secondly, Planning is the next phase involving breaking of tasks into smaller chunks and assigned deadlines. Thirdly, the execution stage is where the project manager builds the project team and allocates the resources and budget available to specific tasks. Fourthly, monitoring involves overseeing the progress of the project to ensure it reflects actual performance. Lastly, Closing is the final stage where the project manager delivers the output of the project and closes down the project team. In conclusion, to effectively complete these phases, there are various project management tools used. They include a Gantt chart, dashboard, Resource Management, a project calendar, and timesheet. Project management techniques are vital for the successful completion of the phases.

Read more on the stages of project management and the project management tools at


There are various project management techniques for the success of every project. They include the waterfall model, a linear approach to delivering and executing work. The latter is suitable for projects with distinct requirements or little change expected along the way. Secondly, Agile involves iterative working in short bursts called “sprints.” Lastly, Lean favors an iterative approach to product development and comprises bringing in end-users early and often for feedback on the project’s delivery. A common feature of lean methodology is to only work on one task at a time. Project managers apply various project management tools alongside these methodologies. Additionally, the most common Project Management Processes are Risk Management, Change Management, Procurement Management, stakeholder management, and communications strategies. In conclusion, despite the different project management approaches, most projects follow the same stages of project management.

Read more on the project management techniques and project management processes at

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