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This essay discusses the risk factors of bulimia and the treatment of bulimia. Bulimia Nervosa is a psychological eating disorder. The exact cause of bulimia is unknown. However, there are several risk factors of bulimia, including genetics, environmental, psychological, and cultural influences. People with bulimia may secretly binge and then purge, trying to prevent weight gain and get rid of the extra calories in an unhealthy way. Subsequently, the different purging methods include forced vomiting, misuse of laxatives or diuretics, use of weight-loss supplements, excessive exercise, and fasting. If left untreated, there are several complications of bulimia that are detrimental to one’s health. They include heart problems, depression, and drug abuse. Fortunately, there are several approaches to the treatment of bulimia that can enable one to adopt healthier eating patterns and reverse serious complications.

Read more on the causes, risk factors, treatment, and prevention of bulimia at


Risk factors of bulimia increase the likelihood of developing the disease. First, there is a link between psychological and emotional problems, such as depression, traumatic events, anxiety disorders, or substance use with eating disorders. Secondly, having a family history of eating disorders and being overweight. Thirdly, women have a higher chance of developing bulimia more than men. Lastly, stress, negative body image, and low self-esteem also increase the chances of acquiring bulimia. Complications of bulimia include negative self-esteem, dehydration, heart problems, and severe tooth decay, and gum disease. Other complications are digestive problems, anxiety, depression, drug misuse, self-injury, and suicidal thoughts. Fortunately, the treatment of bulimia aims at discontinuing the binge-purge cycle, restoring normal eating behaviors, reversing irrational beliefs about weight, body shape, and dieting, and healing from emotional issues that may have caused the eating disorder.

Read more on the risk factors of bulimia and complications of bulimia at


The primary treatment for bulimia often combines psychotherapy, antidepressants, and nutritional counseling. Subsequently, psychological treatments may involve individual, family, or group and behavior or cognitive therapies. Behavior therapy focuses on altering habits such as bingeing and purging, whereas cognitive therapy focuses on exploring and countering the negative thoughts that underlie destructive behaviors. Individual or group psychotherapy focuses on the underlying emotional experiences and relationships that have contributed to the bulimia. The latter focuses on the risk factors of bulimia. Secondly, medications for bulimia include antidepressants, such as Prozac. In effect, some medications might reverse the complications of bulimia. Thirdly, Body exercises such as yoga and dance can help bulimics with their problems of body image. Fourthly, a nutrient-dense, sugar-free diet may help reduce binge eating. Lastly, reprogramming mental processes to gain control over the binge-and-purge cycles is another approach.

Read more on the treatment of bulimia and prevention of bulimia at

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