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This research paper analyzes the benefits of telemedicine and how telemedicine is connecting undeserving patients. Telemedicine is a part of telehealth that benefits patients as medical appointments affect their income and additional costs. Additionally, patients spend a considerable large amount of time and monetary investment visiting a clinical center. Most importantly, telemedicine bridges structural barriers and providing crucial emergency care to individuals in under-resourced places. Utilizing telehealth is proves to be acceptable to patients, and it reduces emergency visits to hospitals. Moreover, telehealth has shown great promise for providing essential and urgent care services in rural areas.

 the benefits of telemedicine


Tech-savvy healthcare providers are aware of the advantages of telemedicine connecting undeserving patients to them. Importantly, telemedicine utilizes telecommunications technology such as streaming media, thus promoting long-distance patient care and medical care. Telemedicine is useful to rural patients, especially those that lack reliable transportation, providing cost-saving attributes. Moreover, telemedicine provides preventive care that saves healthcare billions incurred through hospitalization.Significantly, telemedicine is highly patient-centered as it brings health care to rural dwellers. One of the benefits of telemedicine is connecting undeserving patients to urban health care services.


Telemedicine in rural areas has had a crucial impact on increasing access to healthcare for rural communities. Mainly, rural America faces issues such as health disparities and limited access to health care. People in rural areas have to travel long distances to receive care due to recent hospital closures. Significantly, virtual health is part of new health care models identified to address rural health needs. Advances in digital technologies and evidence backing virtual health have helped in implementing the model. Importantly, virtual health allows for virtual visits that help in addressing specialty provider shortages.

 telemedicine connecting undeserving patients and telemedicine in rural 

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