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Effects of acid rain and preservation of environment are current topics in the world today. Effects of acid rain or acid deposition is a broad term that includes any form of precipitation. Moreover, according to the environmental protection agency, these precipitations may contain acid components, such as sulfuric acid or nitric acid. Furthermore, precipitations are not necessarily wet. However, several ways of preservation of environment are working round the clock to avoid the destruction of the environment by acid rain. Besides, humanmade pollutants are currently affecting most acidic precipitation. Therefore, human beings should work together in fighting the causes of acid precipitation. Consequently, humans need to protect the environment that we live in.

Read more about effects of acid rain and preservation of environment at 


The ecological effects of acid rain are most clearly seen in aquatic environments, such as streams, lakes, and marshes. As it flows through the soil, acid rainwater can leach aluminum from the soil clay particles and then flow into streams and lakes. Some types of plants and animals can tolerate acidic waters and moderate amounts of aluminum. However, others are acid-sensitive and will be lost as the Ph declines. Furthermore, humans have been lenient on the preservation of environment. Consequently, the buffering capacity of forest, streams, and lakes are reducing. Moreover, it’s not just the acidity of the acid that can cause problems. Acid rains also contain nitrogen, and this can have an impact on some ecosystems. Therefore, preventing the causes of acid precipitation also prevents nitrogen problems.

Read more about the effects of acid rain on environment at


Protecting the environment is very vital to our work. It reduces the risk of displacement and strengthens resilience for those who live off the land. Most importantly, protecting the environment against the effects of acid rain. Moreover, as climate change impacts the most vulnerable, we need to act. We must ensure that our activities do not increase vulnerability even further. Therefore, from renewable energy to conservation agriculture, from carbon management to sustainable livelihoods. Preservation of environment requires developing our assistance that is useful, real, and, most of all, sustainable. Besides, humanitarian operations can have a negative impact on the environment. But we can innovate to work in more environmentally friendly ways in order to fight the causes of acid precipitation.

Read more about preservation of environment from danger at 

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