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Proper organizational decision making and effective problem-solving are essential for the success of any organization. Decision making is a process of selecting a course of action from several alternatives. Additionally, it is also an important part of planning in an organization. Moreover, leaders of an organization must make strategic decisions that consider other factors and a long-term perspective. Similarly, problem-solving is a skill that is necessary for an organization to run things smoothly. Also, problem-solving training helps managers and employees to develop critical thinking to sharpen their reasoning, logic, and problem-defining capability. Moreover, it also helps to develop abilities to analyze alternatives, evaluate causation, select, and execute solutions.
organizational decision making and effective problem solving


Fundamentally, for better organizational decision making, it is important to understand the context. Analyzing trends helps to forecast the future of an organization. Also, the leaders of an organization should bring the right people to the table. This includes the people who possess the essential information and insights. Furthermore, an organization should also facilitate discussion to ensure effective problem-solving. It is important to look at the past and present performance to extract the strengths and weaknesses and relate them to the opportunities. Also, an organization should articulate criteria for the best choices before placing ideas on the table.
important factors in organizational decision making


The first step in effective problem-solving is the definition of the problem. It is important to identify the problem and discover the root causes. After the revelation of the underlying problems, the leaders of an organization should ensure the collection and analysis of data. Organizational decision making should then follow to determine the appropriate solutions. Moreover, the organization should then explore the pros and cons of the solutions by forecasting the consequences. It should then develop an action plan and execute the solution process.
 the steps to effective problem solving

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