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The use of biofuels and fossil fuel energy are common sources of energy in the world. Biofuels are renewable energy sources that people make from organic matter or waste. Additionally, they play a great role in reducing carbon dioxide emissions. Moreover, they are among the largest sources of renewable energy. Also, the production of biofuels is mainly from agricultural crops. These are conventional biofuels. Contrastingly, fossil fuels are flammable geological deposits of organic matter such as dead plants and animals. These deposits decay with time to form natural gas, petroleum, and coal due to extreme pressure and heat in the earth’s crust. Furthermore, they are non-renewable sources of energy as they take a long time to replenish.
use of biofuels and fossil fuel energy


One of the advantages of the use of biofuels is its renewability. Biofuels are easier to produce and are renewable in comparison to fossil fuel energy. This is because new crops grow every day producing waste material for the creation of biofuels. Additionally, biofuels have lower carbon dioxide emissions. They produce significantly less carbon and fewer toxins than fossil fuels. This makes them a safer alternative to lower air pollution and preserve atmospheric quality. Also, biofuels create economic stimulation in the agricultural industry through the increasing demand for biofuel crops. Moreover, this creates jobs for thousands of workers.
 advantages of the use of biofuels


Fossil fuel energy has high carbon dioxide emissions and is the primary source of pollution. Additionally, it contributes to global warming. Furthermore, it is a non-renewable source hence it does not replenish after use. Also, it causes negative and unpredictable changes to the environment in comparison to the use of biofuels. This is because the combustion of biofuels makes the environment more acidic. Moreover, the harvesting of fossil fuels causes fatal diseases among people.
 disadvantages of fossil fuel energy

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